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Policies » Section K: School/Community - Home Relations » KFA: Public Conduct On School Property

Policy Date: 03/21/2023

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For purposes of this policy, “school property” means any buildings, vehicles, property, land, or facilities used for
school purposes or school-sponsored events, whether public or private.

The School District expects mutual respect, civility, and orderly conduct among all individuals on school property
or at a school event. No person on school property or at a school event shall:

1. Injure, threaten, or harass, a staff member, a School Board member, sports official or coach, or any
other person;

2. Damage or threaten to damage another’s property;

3. Damage or deface School District property;

4. Consume, possess, distribute, or be under the influence of alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs, or
possess dangerous devices or weapons;

5. Impede, delay, disrupt, or otherwise interfere with any school activity or function (including using
cellular phones in a disruptive manner);

6. Enter upon any portion of school premises at any time for purposes other than those that are lawful
and authorized by the School Board;

7. Operate a motor vehicle in violation of an authorized District employee’s directive or posted road

8. Violate other District policies or regulations, or an authorized District employee’s directive.

9. Use, or attempt to use, or threaten to use any device, instrument, material, or substance (prohibited
object) with the purpose to injure, threaten, intimidate, or coerce another person; for the purposes of
this section, any reckless use of any prohibited object which places or may place another in danger of
serious bodily injury is also prohibited.

10. Operate (either upon or over school property) a drone or other unmanned aircraft.

Any person who violates this policy or any other acceptable standard of behavior may be ordered to leave school
grounds. Law enforcement officials may be contacted at the discretion of the supervising district employee if
such employee believes it necessary.

Additionally, the District reserves the right to issue “no trespass” letters to any person whose conduct violates
this policy, acceptable standards of conduct, or creates a disruption to the school district’s educational purpose.

Legal References:

RSA 193:11, Disturbance, RSA 635:2, Criminal Trespass, RSA 126 K:7: 126-K:7 Use of Tobacco Products, E-
cigarettes, or Liquid Nicotine on Public Educational Facility Grounds Prohibited

Adopted: June 19, 2001
Revised: October 7, 2014, December 4, 2018, March 21, 2023