Policies » Section J: Students » JLCC-R: Pediculosis Control Policy
Policy Date: 05/21/2024
Download Policy Now HSD File: JLCC-R
Screening. Based on recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics, the National
Association of School Nurses, the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services, and
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Board recognizes that head lice or nit infestation
poses little risk to others and does not result in additional health problems, and that students with
nits and/or head lice or nits should not be excluded from school. The Board recognizes that
school-wide screening for nits alone is not an accurate way of predicting which children will become
infested with head lice, and screening for live lice has not been proven to have a significant
decrease on the incidence of head lice in a school community.
Parents are encouraged to check their children’s heads for lice if the child is symptomatic.
The school nurse will periodically provide information to families of all children on the diagnosis,
treatment, and prevention of head lice.
Management on the Day of Diagnosis. The management of pediculosis should proceed so as
to not disrupt the education process. Nonetheless, any staff member who suspects a student has
head lice will report this to the school nurse or in her/his absence the Principal.
The school nurse may check a student’s head if the student is demonstrating symptoms. Students
known to have head lice will remain in class provided the student is comfortable. If a student is not
comfortable, he/she may report to the school nurse or principal’s office. Students with
demonstrating symptoms, or who are found to have lice will be discouraged from close direct head
contact with others and from sharing personal items with other students.
Students in a preschool setting who have visible or live lice may need to be excluded only if direct
head-to-head contact cannot be avoided or if the student is uncomfortable.
Siblings of students found with lice may also be checked if there is suspicion that infestation may
The school nurse or Principal/designee will notify the parent/guardian by telephone or other available
means if their child is found to have head lice. Verbal and/or written instructions for treatment will
be given to the family of each identified student. Instructions will include recommendations for
treatment that are consistent with New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services
recommendations. In addition, the school nurse may offer extra help or information to families of
children who are repeatedly or chronically infested.
Once a student with “live lice” has left the school, they will not be allowed to return to school until
after treatment resulting in no lice, with an anti-parasitic drug or other proper treatment as
recommended by the school nurse has begun. When the student returns, the nurse will verify that
treatment has begun.
Adopted: January 18, 2005
Adopted: November 15, 2005
Revised: May 21, 2024