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Policies » Section E: Support Services » EEA: Student Transportation Services

Policy Date: 01/17/2023

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See also EEAE, EEAEC
Bus Pass Requirement

The District will provide pupil transportation services consistent with applicable law. Students must have a bus pass in order to access high school bus transportation.

Per RSA 193:12, students who are deemed legal residents of the school district pursuant to a divorce decree or parenting plan developed under RSA 461-A will not necessarily be provided transportation. The Superintendent or designee will make all determinations as to whether transportation will be provided in such circumstances. The Superintendent or designee’s decision will be final.

The Hooksett School District will provide school buses to transport the legal students of Hooksett to the high schools to which they have been assigned in Manchester, New Hampshire, and Pinkerton Academy, under the following conditions:
1. Buses will operate on those days during which the public schools (K-8) in Hooksett are in session and when Manchester West, Central high schools, and Pinkerton Academy, grades 9-12, are in session, or when any one of them routinely operates in the absence of the other.
2. Each student will be assigned to ride on a specific school bus to and from his/her high school.
3. Each student riding to or from his/her school shall have in his/her possession a valid bus pass to present to the driver of the school bus to which he/she is assigned before the student will be permitted to ride on the bus. Exceptions to this procedure may be made in an emergency situation only with approval of the provider.
4. Bus passes can be obtained by visiting the Cawley Middle School website ( Students & Families/Transportation.

General Operating Policy, Student Conduct on School Buses, Resolution of Conflicts, see Policy EE

Legal References:
RSA 189:6, Transportation of Pupils, RSA 189:8, Limitations and Additions, RSA 189:9, Pupils in Private Schools
RSA 189:9-a, Pupils Prohibited for Disciplinary Reasons, RSA 193:12, Legal Residency Required
RSA 194-B:2, V, Chartered Public Schools; Establishment

Adopted: February 19, 1985
Revised: December 7, 1993
Revised: December 15, 1998
Revised: April 3, 2007
Reviewed/Revised: January 3, 2017
Revised: January 21, 2020, January 17, 2023