Policies » Section E: Support Services » ECA: Buildings And Grounds Security
Policy Date: 02/19/2008
Download Policy NowHSD File: ECA
The Board encourages and requires close cooperation with local police and fire departments and
with insurance company inspectors. In order to insure the safest environment for our students
and staff, the school building’s security system is to be armed during all non-user time in
accordance with policy HSD: KG, Community Use of School Facilities.
During school time, security procedures will insure that unauthorized persons will not have access
to the building. Visitors and individuals not employed by the school district will be required to
sign in/sign out, state the purpose of the visit, and be identified as visitors during their time in
the building.
The Principal will be responsible for developing and enforcing building security procedures.
Adopted: September 17, 1974
Revised: February 19, 2008